Помидоры, фаршированные сыром и чесноком: идеальная закуска. видео

Помидоры, фаршированные сыром и чесноком: идеальная закуска. видео

Small portions of salty, savory or spicy dishes are usually called snacks. The meal usually begins with these dishes. The main purpose of the snacks is to stimulate the appetite. Beautifully decorated, accompanied by an appropriate side dish, they are not only a decoration of the festive table, but also an integral part of any dinner. Tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic can become such a decoration.

Stuffed tomatoes with cheese and garlic

The variety of snacks is great. There are many options for stuffed tomatoes alone. Tomatoes for stuffing should not be too large or too small.

Wash medium-sized tomatoes, cut off the top. Remove the seeds with a teaspoon. If the stuffed tomatoes need to be baked, choose the denser, smoother ones.

You can choose almost any product as a filling. Stuffed tomatoes can be served both baked and raw. You need to bake stuffed tomatoes for 10-20 minutes

For the cheese filling you will need: – 600 g of medium sized tomatoes – 40 g of butter – 200 g of hard cheese – 50 g of 30% sour cream – 20 g of lemon juice Salt and pepper to taste.

Cut off the tops of tomatoes, carefully remove the core. Season with salt and turn to drain.

Prepare the filling. The butter should be soft. Mash it with a fork and mix with grated cheese, sour cream, lemon juice and pepper. Until a good homogeneous consistency is obtained, the mass can be lightly whipped with a whisk. Fill prepared tomatoes with the resulting cream. Top them can be decorated with sprigs of parsley, sprinkle with grated cheese, garnish with lemon wedges.

Stuff the tomatoes with the cheese and apple salad. For the salad you will need: – 200 g of processed cheese – 100 g of apples – 1 tomato – 1 small onion – salt and pepper to taste.

Grate the melted cheese on a coarse grater. Chop the onions finely, put them in a bowl and pour over boiled water to remove the bitterness. Peel and seed the tomato and chop finely. Mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper. Stuff prepared tomatoes with salad.

Salty, spicy – satisfying!

Tomatoes go well with feta cheese. To prepare the filling, take: – a small onion – 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil – 100 g of feta cheese – olives – 1 tablespoon of 30% vinegar – parsley, salt.

Finely chop the peeled onion. Chop the parsley with a knife. For this recipe, tomato pulp comes in handy. You need to mix onion and parsley with it. Combine vegetable oil with vinegar. Put finely chopped feta cheese in a bowl with tomato pulp and vegetable oil. Mix the filling well. Stuff the tomatoes, garnish with olives and parsley sprigs.

Serve tomatoes stuffed with a spicy salad of cheese, eggs and garlic: – 200 g of hard cheese – 3 eggs – 2 cloves of garlic – green onions, pepper, salt

Cut cheese into cubes, hard-boiled eggs into quarters. Finely chop the green onion. Pass the garlic cloves through a press. Stir the ingredients, season with pepper and salt.

Try the tomato mince option from: – 70 g ham – 100 g green peas – 100 g hard cheese – 20 g lettuce – salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the ham into small cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix ham and cheese with green peas. Mix a tablespoon of mustard with vegetable oil. Season salad with this sauce. Fill the tomatoes with lettuce. Place on a tray, garnish with whole leaves.

Tomatoes can be filled with any kind of salad. As a salad dressing, you can use mustard mixed with butter, the yolk of a raw egg, and a teaspoon of 30% vinegar. Tomatoes can be stuffed with boiled filling: eggs, beans, potatoes, mushrooms. Raw vegetable filling – bell pepper, cucumbers, various types of greens.

Stuffed tomatoes can be baked in the oven or microwave and served with a side dish and sauce. Any cereals can serve as a side dish: rice, buckwheat, pearl barley. You can also serve boiled spaghetti, boiled potatoes.

Choose sour cream and tomato sauce as a sauce. For the sauce, you can use the pulp of a tomato, as well as heavy cream

Stuffed tomatoes can be baked in this sauce. Pour the tomato pulp mixed with cream in a 1: 1 ratio into a baking dish. Put the stuffed tomatoes in a mold, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Stuffed tomatoes can be served with a hot pesto sauce made with basil, garlic, cheese and nuts. You can buy ready-made pesto sauce at the store.

Serve the vegetable platter. Stuff tomatoes with different salads, lay them beautifully on a dish, decorate with herbs and lettuce, slices of bell pepper. Come up with original vegetable decorations for the assortment. Boiled carrots, cut into slices with a curly knife, will be combined with red tomatoes. You can also use cucumber slices beautifully arranged between the tomatoes as a decoration.

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